Designed for Devices
Expand your reach to tablets, phones, and web browsers with Nexus Web.
Our Responsive Design adapts to your devices.

In the Cloud
Access your data anytime, anywhere. Nexus Web is included with your MBS Cloud subscription.
Main Features
Nexus Web is currently provided as a preview app to MBS Cloud users. New features are being added on a regular basis. MBS Cloud also includes access to the full-featured Nexus desktop application.
What our clients are saying
Nexus is going to make my job a lot easier.
Tina Delgado Sunset Memorial Park, Albuquerque, NM
What our clients are saying
My staff loves the Task Center... Having all the information right there on one screen... is a tremendous time saver.
Gary Brown Catholic Cemeteries of Phoenix
What our clients are saying
Nexus allows me to finally extract customer, sales, and service information without delay.
Rick Davis Diocese of Fresno
What our clients are saying
World class products, world class support.
Glen Porter Highland Cemetery, Milwaukee, WI
What our clients are saying
Great products, great support, great upgrades. Just a great company.
Ann Kilzer Curlew Hills, Clearwater, FL
What our clients are saying
Terrific Support -- I don't care how you describe terrific, this is it -- period.
Rick McLaughlin Allegheny Cemetery
What our clients are saying
Nexus is going to make my job a lot easier.
Tina Delgado Sunset Memorial Park, Albuquerque, NM
What our clients are saying
Vickie, Great job on the addition of the niches to the St. Joseph mausoleum map. That was very quick and appears to be 100% accurate on the first pass. Impressive!
Rick Davis Diocese of Fresno
What our clients are saying
Fred, I wanted to call to your attention how Joel Leach helped us in a difficult situation... What I want to share with you is that I was not surprised at all. All of your staff which we deal with, Joel and Jan and Gerald, display a "let me help get it done right and get it done now" mentality. Each of them has been very gracious in explaining any problem that we call with, regardless of whether it was our error or misunderstanding which caused the problem to begin with. I must assume that it was you who created this great customer service climate. Thanks to all of you.
Neal Shoger Gibraltar Remembrance Services
What our clients are saying
I talk to Jan on a regular basis. Sometimes I think I need a red phone on my desk that connects to her (LOL)... She is WONDERFUL.
Kay Mullenax Diocese of Tucson
What our clients are saying
The data conversion and transition were smooth and the service is just great.
Rich Peterson Archdiocese of Seattle
What our clients are saying
MBS has been a lifesaver... and their courteous staff is just a friendly phone call away.
Chuck Freebold Our Lady Queen of Peace in Palm Beach Diocese
What our clients are saying
They (the MBS Support Staff) are so accommodating and always there when we need them.
Ben Ernest Sunset Memory Gardens, Dothan, AL
What our clients are saying
My staff loves the Task Center... Having all the information right there on one screen... is a tremendous time saver.
Gary Brown Catholic Cemeteries of Phoenix
What our clients are saying
Nexus allows me to finally extract customer, sales, and service information without delay.
Rick Davis Diocese of Fresno
What our clients are saying
My thanks to all the MBS staff for the help and support provided with the Nexus and IMAP startup and data conversion support. Getting to know you guys was a joy.
Ray Snider Mt. Hope Cemetery, San Diego, CA
Frequently Asked Questions

Why is MBS developing a web version of Nexus?
Nexus is powerful, Windows-based software designed to run on desktop and laptop computers. MBS is now bringing that power to modern devices, such as tablets and phones, that use touch interfaces, while also modernizing Nexus for computers that use keyboard & mouse. In addition, MBS is making a major investment in newer technology to ensure that Nexus remains a viable choice for years to come.
Can I access Nexus Web using a tablet or mobile phone?
Absolutely! Nexus Web has been specifically designed to run across a variety of devices that use touch. Responsive design automatically adapts the interface to the size screen you are using, large or small.
Does Nexus Web have all the features of Nexus Desktop?
Not yet. Only a subset of Nexus features are currently available in the web app, but this will grow over time. MBS is making a preview version of the Nexus web application available to MBS Cloud customers.
Is Nexus Web going to replace Nexus Desktop?
Not anytime soon, if ever. Nexus Desktop has been in development for decades, and it will take a long time to bring all of those features to the web version. In the meantime, Nexus Web is designed to be used side-by-side with Nexus Desktop on the MBS Cloud service. When Nexus Web is feature-complete, some customers may choose to use only the web version, but MBS has no plans to discontinue the desktop version. It will continue to be enhanced and supported for the foreseeable future.
Can Nexus Web be installed on-premises at my cemetery?
No. Setting up, maintaining, and ensuring the security of web applications is much more complex than desktop applications. As a result, MBS is only offering web applications as part of the MBS Cloud service. Nexus Desktop will continue to be offered for on-premises installations.
What are the hardware requirements for Nexus Web?
Nexus Web can run on a variety of devices. Please see the "Cloud Services -> Web" section of the MBS Suggested Minimum Hardware document for details.